Change My Professional Website To Astro

Originally published: 18 August 2024

Saving $30 a month, and personalised and blazing fast


Transitioning to Astro: Elevating for Blazing Fast and Super Personalised Performance


As a doctor, my online presence is crucial for connecting with patients and providing them with the information and resources they need. My website,, serves as a key touchpoint, offering everything from booking appointments to accessing valuable health content. However, as my practice has grown, so too has the need for a website that is not just fast, but also highly personalised to meet the diverse needs of my patients.

This realisation led me to transition my website to Astro, a cutting-edge web framework designed for performance and customisation. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the reasons behind this change and the benefits it brings to both my practice and my patients.

Why Astro?

Blazing Fast Performance

In today’s digital age, speed is everything. Studies have shown that even a one-second delay in page load time can lead to a significant drop in user engagement. For a professional website like mine, where visitors are often seeking critical health information or booking appointments, slow load times are simply unacceptable.

Astro is built with speed in mind. It optimises content delivery by leveraging static site generation, ensuring that pages load in the blink of an eye. By generating static HTML at build time, Astro delivers fully rendered pages to users without the overhead of client-side JavaScript, resulting in a dramatically faster user experience.

Super Personalised Experience

While speed is essential, personalisation is equally important, especially in healthcare. Every patient is unique, and my website needs to reflect that by offering tailored content and recommendations based on their specific needs.

Astro allows for a high degree of personalisation. With its flexible component-based architecture, I can create dynamic content that adapts to each user. Whether it’s displaying relevant health articles based on a patient’s history or offering specific appointment slots, Astro makes it possible to deliver a truly personalised experience.

Minimal JavaScript for Maximum Efficiency

One of the standout features of Astro is its ability to deliver pages with minimal JavaScript. By only loading JavaScript when absolutely necessary, Astro reduces the overall page weight, leading to faster load times and a smoother browsing experience. This is particularly beneficial for users on slower networks or older devices, ensuring that my site remains accessible to all patients, regardless of their technology.

The Transition Process

Planning and Preparation

Before making the switch, I carefully planned out the transition process. This involved auditing the existing content on, identifying areas for improvement, and mapping out how these would be implemented in Astro. The goal was to maintain the site’s functionality while significantly enhancing its speed and personalisation features.

Building with Astro

Building the new site with Astro was a rewarding experience. The framework’s developer-friendly tools and comprehensive documentation made it easy to get up and running quickly. I was able to recreate the existing features of my site while also introducing new ones that take advantage of Astro’s capabilities.

Testing and Optimisation

After building the site, extensive testing was conducted to ensure everything worked flawlessly. This included performance testing to verify the speed improvements and user testing to confirm that the personalised features were functioning as intended. The results were impressive: load times were slashed, and the user experience was more responsive than ever.

Going Live

Once the testing phase was complete, it was time to go live. The transition was smooth, with minimal downtime, and the feedback from patients has been overwhelmingly positive. They’ve noticed the speed improvements and appreciate the more personalised experience that the new site offers.


Switching to Astro has been a game-changer. The blazing-fast performance and enhanced personalisation capabilities have not only improved the user experience but have also allowed me to better serve my patients. If you’re running a professional website and are looking for ways to boost speed and engagement, I highly recommend considering Astro.

Stay tuned for more updates as I continue to refine and optimise the site to meet the evolving needs of my practice and patients.

Dr. Suresh Khirwadkar
Specialist GP and Board Certified Lifestyle Physician

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