Read my blog 📒


Should I change to Astro/Cloudflare from Next/Vercel?

6 January 2024

Change is hard, but sometimes essential. I will need to do some learning!

build a blog with Astro

Updating the Astro Blog Tutorial to Astro 4.0.9 with Preact 10.11.3

5 January 2024

Astro build a blog tutorial - with updated code and content collections

next image vs astro image

Differences between Astro/Image and Next/Image

5 January 2024

Subtle but important differences that may change the way you work


Making this website and my future plans for it

5 January 2024

Why I made this site and what I plan to do with it


Changing Next/Image to use Avif instead of just WebP

4 January 2024

Avif isn't *universally* supported, but it is widely adopted now

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