Headaches Optimising Podia

Originally published: 18 August 2024

Sadly I may just have to give up


Optimising Podia Platform with Cloudflare: A Case Study


As a website owner, speed and reliability are paramount, especially when your site serves as the foundation of your business. In my case, managing The Meat Medic website on the Podia platform, I encountered significant challenges with site performance, particularly with caching and content delivery.

This post outlines the steps I took to optimise my website using Cloudflare, the results I achieved, and the issues I faced along the way.

Initial Setup and Challenges

Moving to Podia

Recently, I transitioned The Meat Medic to the Podia platform. Podia is a robust and cost-effective platform designed for online courses, memberships, and digital product sales. While it offers many great features, I quickly realised that Podia’s built-in website builder lacks comprehensive image optimisation and doesn’t easily support URL images with a CDN service. This deficiency led me to explore Cloudflare’s offerings to enhance my website’s performance.

You can sign up for Podia here.

Cloudflare Initial Configuration

Initially, I turned on Cloudflare’s proxy and caching features, which promised to improve site speed by serving content from edge locations closest to users. However, enabling full caching and proxy settings led to a significant issue: critical site functions, like login and subscription sign-ups, stopped working.

First Round of Tests

I conducted a series of speed tests under various configurations:

Incremental Changes

Here’s a summary of changes I made and their impacts:

Edge Caching: A Double-Edged Sword

I attempted to use Cloudflare’s Edge Caching for faster first-load performance. Here’s what happened:

Notes from Sunday 18 August 2024

Cloudflare Speed Tests With Podia Platform

Key Takeaways


Optimising a website for speed, especially on a platform like Podia with inherent limitations, is a balancing act. While Cloudflare offers powerful tools to enhance performance, they can sometimes conflict with the platform’s functionality, as I experienced with the subscription service breaking under full caching.

Moving forward, I’ll focus on refining image optimisation, exploring more advanced caching strategies, and possibly integrating Argo routing for even better performance. If you’re running a similar setup, I recommend approaching these optimisations incrementally and thoroughly testing each change.

Let me know get in touch [email protected] if you have any thoughts!

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