How to deploy your github site - quick guide

Originally published: 29 December 2023

Github to website - simple guide on how to deploy your web app

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Easily Deploy Your GitHub Site to Netlify, Vercel, and Cloudflare

Welcome to our guide on deploying your GitHub site to some of the most popular hosting platforms: Netlify, Vercel, and Cloudflare. In this post, we’ll walk you through the steps to get your site live with ease.

Deploying to Netlify

Picture of the Netlify logo

Netlify offers a straightforward process for deploying sites directly from your GitHub repository.


  1. Create a Netlify Account:

  2. Connect to GitHub:

    • Go to the ‘New site from Git’ section.
    • Choose GitHub as your continuous deployment provider.
  3. Configure Your Project:

    • Select the repository you want to deploy.
    • Configure the build settings as required.
  4. Deploy:

    • Click ‘Deploy Site’. Netlify will build and deploy your site.
  5. Site Live:

    • Once deployment is complete, your site will be live!

Deploying to Vercel

Picture of the Netlify logo

Vercel specializes in hosting for front-end frameworks and static sites, with great GitHub integration.


  1. Create a Vercel Account:

    • Sign up for Vercel at Vercel.
  2. Connect Your GitHub Repository:

    • In the dashboard, choose ‘New Project’.
    • Connect to your GitHub and select your repository.
  3. Configure and Deploy:

    • Configure your project if needed, then click ‘Deploy’.
  4. Site Live:

    • Your site is now live with a Vercel URL.

Deploying to Cloudflare

Picture of the Netlify logo

Cloudflare Pages is a fast, secure, and free way to build and host your JAMstack sites.


  1. Create a Cloudflare Account:

  2. Start a New Project:

    • Navigate to the ‘Pages’ section and start a new project.
  3. Connect to GitHub:

    • Select your GitHub repository to deploy.
  4. Configure Your Build & Deploy:

    • Set up your build configurations and deploy.
  5. Your Site is Live:

    • Your site is now hosted on Cloudflare Pages.


Deploying your GitHub site to Netlify, Vercel, or Cloudflare is a breeze. Each platform offers robust, fast hosting solutions perfect for personal projects, portfolios, and more. Choose one that fits your needs the best, and happy coding!

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